Sovereign Bodies / Ritual Taxonomy
- Nothing Grows Here / How Dare You Be Free |
- Like His English Brother Death |
- Open Your Eyes |
- Our Sovereign Bodies |
- Wednesday 24th November |
- They Didn’t Know Our Lives and Deaths Would Make Earth Remember |
- Vernacular Snags / Home Is No More |
- The Taste They Wake Up With |
- Territorial Irregularities |
- What Was The Way It Was |
- The Lark’s Ascent |
- God, Who Made Thee Mighty |
- Jerusalem |
- Capitalist Nomad |
- 19 Euro |
- It Will Keep Talking |
- Why Didn’t You Leave Sooner / Did You Report What Happened To You |
- Spooled From My Gut Like A Tapeworm |
- Professional Empathy |
- We Have Seen / Some Might Say |
- Felicia Olusanyaspoken word + texts
- Amy Ní Fhearraighsoprano + spoken word
- Mariam Rezaeiturntables
- Elliot Galvinpiano
- Jamie Stockbridgealto saxophone (Taupe)
- Michael Parr-Burmanguitar (Taupe)
- Adam Stapleforddrums (Taupe)
- Catherine Sikora-Mingustenor saxophone
- Steve Davispercussion + drums
- Oscar Cassidydrums
- John Popebass
- Jamie Thompsontexts, synths, church organ, turntables, mbiras, drum machines, field recordings, found sounds, cassette recorders, dictaphones, whistles
Choose Your Format
- Recorded by Luigi Pasquini
- Mixed by Jamie Thompson, Stuart Crossland
- Mastered by Rupert Clervaux
- Cover art by Jamie Thompson
- Designed by Max Franosch
- Produced by Jamie Thompson
- Executive Producer Nick Roth